I was definitely tempted to put off this particular update until after the new year, to make it into a sort of year-end wrap up. But since I’m thinking about changing the way I do these progress reports next year, I figured I should stick with this format for one… Read more“And the Countdown Begins…”
Author: Jaymi Hanako
Updating…. Please Wait… Updating…
As much as I hate missing progress reports, real life has been getting in the way–as it often does for everyone around this time of year. Here’s my current status: Unnamed Shifter Story, based on a Japanese Folktale. Original goal was to expand the story from 15k to 20k. Still… Read more“Updating…. Please Wait… Updating…”
Just a Quick Update…
I lost a full day of writing because of family plans–these are relatives I only get to see about once a year, if I’m lucky. But I did manage about 3000 words this week, all in “Dragon Quest.” I kind of wanted to get at least half of its first… Read more“Just a Quick Update…”
The Plot Bunnies are Coming!
The good news? I can finally check one of my works-in-progress off my list. The maybe not-so-great news? I was then promptly attacked by plot bunnies for four new story ideas. My muse is apparently a very perverse mistress who can’t stand the thought of my being able to get… Read more“The Plot Bunnies are Coming!”
A Step Forward
And still a long way to go… I didn’t have enough progress on my six WIPs this week to break it down by project, but I didn’t want to skip another report. I’ve written about 900 words, but I know I deleted a lot more than that during the revisions… Read more“A Step Forward”
Still a Work in Progress
I didn’t want to post a report last week because to be honest, my lack of actual progress at the time was kind of embarrassing. I still haven’t done nearly as much as I would have liked, but for the sake of being accountable, I’m going to update here: Unnamed… Read more“Still a Work in Progress”
In Case You Missed Me…
I need to apologize for dropping off the writing cliff for the last several months. Since April, I’ve been dealing with a wrist injury that no one seems to be able to diagnose or figure out how to treat. Because the injury is to my dominant hand, I’m having a… Read more“In Case You Missed Me…”
Release Day! The Queen’s Assassin
The Queen’s Assassin is now available from Loose Id! Also available at: Barnes & Noble Amazon All Romance Ebooks Here’s the blurb: It was supposed to be an easy job: Get in, assassinate the queen, and get out. Instead, his fellow mercenary is dead and Madoc is chained in the… Read more“Release Day! The Queen’s Assassin”
Cover art for “The Queen’s Assassin”
I have new cover art! This if for my next release with Loose Id, a fantasy romance novella called, “The Queen’s Assassin,” about a beleaguered young Queen who finds love with the man hired to kill her. It is scheduled to release on February 24th. I love the job that… Read more“Cover art for “The Queen’s Assassin””